sectionSTAR: The most successful ESN Türkiye sections based on the related term.

budgetSTAR: ESN Türkiye sections with the best budget management.

cooperationSTAR: The best collaborations among ESN Türkiye sections.

creativeSTAR: The most creative promotion and marketing activities (physical tools, gadgets, mugs, t-shirts, stickers, bracelets, mascots, etc.) carried out.

cultureSTAR: The most impactful activity, event, initiative, programme or project fostering intercultural competence and intercultural understanding.

educationSTAR: The most impactful activity, event, initiative, programme or project that has a strategic and long-term approach to education-related topics.

employabilitySTAR: The most effective activity, event, initiative, programme or project organized for ESNers or exchange students in terms of employment, career development, soft/hard skills, etc.

ESNcardSTAR: Best ESNcard promotion award.

hrSTAR: The most successful activities carried out to develop human resources.

inclusiveSTAR: The most impactful social inclusion activity, event, initiative, programme or project.

internationalvisibilitySTAR: ESN Türkiye section activities or projects with the best international visibility.

mediaSTAR: ESN Türkiye sections with the best social media content (visual, video, social media, etc.).

mobilitySTAR: The most impactful mobility promotion activity, event, initiative, programme and project.

safetySTAR: Most impactful activity or initiative fostering the safety of our members and international students in aspects as prevention, support or protection against risks.

showcaseSTAR: The most successful activity/project carried out by National Board Support Positions or Committees.

STARline: ESN Türkiye sections with the best website or online platform.

sustainabilitySTAR: The most successful activity, event, initiative, programme or project in the field of environmental sustainability.

trainingSTAR: The best local training event or programme.

wellbeingSTAR: The best sports or well-being activities or campaigns supporting a healthy lifestyle during the student exchange program (sports tournaments, skiing events, healthy eating workshops, etc.).