For 2023/2024:

sectionSTAR: Chairing Team of NETCOM, Chairing Team of ISC and CLR Admin

budgetSTAR: National Treasurer

cooperationSTAR: Chairing Team of NETCOM and National Vice President

creativeSTAR: Chairing Team of PRCOMM' and National Communication Manager

cultureSTAR: Chairing Team of ISC

educationSTAR: Chairing Team of NSC and National President

employabilitySTAR: ESNinBusiness Project Coordinator

ESNcardSTAR: National Treasurer and National Communication Manager

hrSTAR: HR Coordinator and National Vice President

inclusiveSTAR: Social Impact Coordinator and National Project Manager

internationalvisibilitySTAR: Chairing Team of ISC, National Communication Manager

mediaSTAR: Chairing Team of PRCOMM', Communication Community Manager, and National Communication Manager

mobilitySTAR: Education Officer, Presidents' Community Manager, and National President

safetySTAR: National Project Manager and National Board of Auditors

showcaseSTAR: Pre-Selection: National Project Manager; Evaluation of the top 3 applications: National Board

STARline: Chairing Team of WebTeam, WebCom Manager, and National Web Project Administrator

sustainabilitySTAR: National Project Manager and SI Coordinator

trainingSTAR: HR Coordinator, National Project Manager and National Vice President

wellbeingSTAR: National Project Manager and SI Coordinator